Microsoft Certification Paths and Examinations

Microsoft Corporation is one of the most prominent multinational software corporations in the world. It was founded by the second richest man of 2012, Bill Gates. Microsoft is widely known for Windows, the OS or operating system of most personal computers today. It does not only specialize in operating systems but in all sorts of software. Microsoft has all sorts of programs for office purposes like Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, and Access.

It also conquered the backend or server side and database application programs. Microsoft has Microsoft Server Administrator and SQL Servers for database management systems and supporting administrative needs to clients. Microsoft also has software programs for application development like Microsoft Visual Studio and Silverlight. Aside from software products, Microsoft also has MSN, Skype Technologies, a game console called Xbox 360, Bing and mobile phones. Truly, Microsoft offers us all sorts of technological products that will surely answer our needs.

Microsoft offers different products to customers like in the website. Because of this, the need for professionals specializing in these software products is very high. Technology is vast. The information technology people have to master and focus on a certain field. The products and program varieties are so vast, one cannot master them all. Microsoft also created a solution for this problem. Microsoft is offering Microsoft Certification Programs to computer science or information technology practitioners that will help them master a computer and technology field.

Microsoft Certification is an information technology certification exclusively for Microsoft products. This certification is similar to Sun, Ubuntu and Apple programs that requires you to pass series of exams before you are given titles. There are also individual certifications that are received after passing an exam. The Microsoft Certification is divided into 4 major categories according to function: Server (Windows Server, Exchange Server, Lync and Sharepoint), Desktop (Office, Windows and Microsoft Dynamics), Database (SQL Server) and Developer (Visual Studio and Windows Phone). There are also four major tier or titles that you can acquire.

These are MSCA (Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate), MCSE (Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert), MCSM (Microsoft Certified Solutions Master) and MCSD (Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer). These titles can be acquired when one has passed several exam requirements for each title.

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